Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Q:How to understand more about woman's power?
A: Simple. Just by one quote.

" Women have UNIQUE powers. They get wet without water, bleed without any injury and make boneless things hard."
quoted by a website that mirah shows me.

don't deny.
(And no christine, i'm not lesbian)

Q: How to really make sure that Christine IS a girl?
A: I done a survey~

Research Survey:
sample size - 3 people
*Please be ensure that this survey is not a non-biased survey :P

66% aka 2 - female surveyors
33% aka 1 - male surveyors
100% aka 3 - thinks that Christine is HOT.

33% - thinks that Christine is a GIRL who wears guy's hairwig.
66% - would chase Christine if she is a girl.

"I will never tell you that the three surveyors are none other than charmaine, char's boyfriend and me, myself! hmph."

and I got Evidence:

Christine in Pink and black nail polish and the guy's wig: "Oh muh GAWD, everyone thinks that i'm HAWT (hot)!! I Shy.."

" I have muscles, I really do! And my hairs are real! I beat you up arh, i tell you!"
trying hard to prove that she's not GAY but failed.

hello, bitch.
yup, i'm calling u.

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