OMG!! Oh My God! I really duno what you thinking by objecting this and that?!? itz like everyone agree to it and ONLY you object to it.
Oh fuck! have not written vulgar for a long time and now it comes back again. ALway thought i could stop it but hey. Sometimes some things are hard to tolerate. You are already so OFF my limit! 2nd time riting bad stuff abt u in my blog. Looks like you are quite popular in my blog huh. So at here, i also wana confess something. i did some naughty stuff, some really bad stuff. IM A BAD GIRL. i tag her blog and scold her. I was really pissed and angry at her that i do stupid stuff. Come to think of it, she is really not worth my breath doing stuff that i would regret. So at here, if she ever see this, i wana say im SORRY to do this but im not gona apologise for saying the TRUTH. She SUCKZ. SHe cant stand it when people win her so she alway wana show off what she do best and criticise people and suan them like hell. Im a victim. All her words that came out from her mouth, it hurts alot. And the thing is, she does not listen to us, her fwen. She alway think that she is right and everyone is wrong. Juzst wana say that, Most of the time YOU are wrong. So this time, YOU are wrong too. WHatz wrong to rollerblade together as a group even though all of us dun even know a SHIT about it. I alway believe in the PROCESS not the OUTCOME. I juz wan us to spend a HAPPY day together. We can juz laugh at each other even we duno how to blade. Do you have to like practice at home first then come rollerblade with us, making us look like some BLOODY BirdBrain while you are PRO at it?!? Is this what you really want? Well.. sorry, if this is what it gona be like, then WE rather count you out of it. I juz duno why you think like that. I admit you have your good points BUT bad points are already overriding your good points! And your bad points are so BAD! You seem like you dun trust us as your fwen. You look as us as if we are going to a competition and fight one another. We are not like E1 ppl. We are not competitive, not ambitious to beat everyone down! I hate competition especially among fwens. but the question is.. Do you treat us as your fwens? Are we still fwens?!? I DUNO. BUT I HATE TO FACE YOU ANYMORE. |
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