Special thanks to:
Pet BenJiaMin Mingyee Thanks for being there for me and care so much for me. Pet, thanks for helping me to warn that person and stuffs like this. You are a great best friend i ever had! Benjiamin, thou you very ben ben but thanks for your advice and been able to listen to all the nonsense that i say. And also, gona have to especially thanks mingyee, my laogong!! Straightaway sms me to ask me what's wrong. loves your hug. I really needed it. Thanks so much. I love mingyee ALOT! mingyee mingyee the best laogong i ever had. Nana is still not suitable to be categorised under the 'EMO' culture. I may be sad sometimes.. But dun worry.. I will get out of my sadness And embrace myself with happiSIAOness. wooHOO. thanks, man. |
yup, i'm calling u. profile i want go TAIWAN. tagboard links archvies By post: