Saturday, August 05, 2006
Who the HELL play trick on me?
Who is this ANONYMOUS person?!? Play trick also dun like this mah! Okay la. I tell you what. If you are Shuai ge then you tell me who you are. If not also tell me who you are COZ i curious mah. Wahaha. No la. Im joking. Whoever this person is, if you are just playing a trick on me then SHOO!! Im not in a mood to play this childish game.

Soccer Tshirt
I today received a RED Tshirt to wear on National day for work. Look like itz for kicking soccer more than a work uniform. Weird taste that NTUC had! But hey! The Tshirt is from PIERRE CARDIN [maybe spell wrong].

Spooky incident at NTUC
Today Yuxiang scan some mushroom and it accidentally scan some unknown stuff that cant be found at all. SPOOKY~ !!

Today supposed to go Orchard shopping with Mingyee and also watch Fireworks BUT then kana PS in the end. Im kinda angry la COZ last minute change her mind in such a short notice. AND later i somemore found out that she actually still going to see fireworks with Lijun and some old classmate. I wanted to be PISSED OFF at her but i didnt. COZ when she say SORRY, i become so guilty and soft hearted. I told her never mind even though i MIND it ALOT! Later i went to eat SUKI Sushi with greg and weichong. This is the first time I felt so PS in my WHOLE life. Haiz.

BTW.. Chiew Xuan also PS me.

Lareina Favourite QUote .. I duno. I really duno.

Then we saw Chinboon, Zhonghan, Hankiat, YuQing and Johnson at Hougang Mall. They are celebrating Johnson birthday.

Happy Birthday Johnson although i dun tink u will ever see my blog. Heez.

Then next we saw Huibin. The first thing he do is SUAN me. SUCKz siah! Long time no see aLOT ppl from NVSS. I SO miss all of them. I miss e5 the most!! A week had almost pass AND i still miss e5! No kidding BUT i had never miss something for that STRONG! OMG!


Next I just wana tell the person Hian Wee something since you have been constantly reading my BLOG. To me, my blog is somewhere for me to express my frustration that are bottled inside. If I really have to CARE for everyone that read my blog, then I will be racking my BRAIN damn hard to please all of them. This blog is never meant to be known to anyone at first. But now I just want to let MY CLOSE FRIENDS see and to let them know what is happening in my life now.

And those who I had written them badly. Hey! Im sorry! I would write this is also for you to understand your weaknesses too. hehez.

one more thing. This is definitely not a place that I write NICE SWEET things. I use quite a lot of VULGAR as at that time, I feel that it is the most appropriate words to use to express my feelings AND anger.

I dun write to PLEASE people. I write to remind me of the interesting or sad memories that had happen in my life. I want to remember it all no matter what is it. So please dun be surprised when one day I write something BAD about you. Haha. But even if I did write something BAD about you, I will not hide it from you just as what I did when I write something about YX.

If too much VULGAR dun look or sound like me, HEY! People do change. AND I know I change too. I have got influenced too fatally. However I am trying to start a STOP ALL FUCK campaign in my blog soon. BUT this idea is still under construction. I dun guarantee 100 percent free of VULGAR. Hehe.

But you do have a point. I may just HURT someone feeling just as I dun wan someone to HURT my feeling too. I will try to be considerate next time! Smilez!

Crabby MIA
Crabby went missing for two days. Crabby never reply me. Okay fine. Whatever~ I am not going to CARE anyway. But.. I realised I do care about it and this is like SO affecting my mood. Itz like when I am alone then I will not act anymore. I will suddenly think of you BADLY. I duno why BUT I alway tend to act HAPPY in front of others. Itz like when Im around my friends then I dun feel that BAD afterall. But this does not get rid of the feelings inside. Everything is like Zoom!! SO FAST. It is so fast that my heart cant take it.
Lareina should NOT be like this. I should be happy AND not SO sad. But Im HUMAN. Im just a girl. I will feel something eventually. Now you MIA and I duno why. I naturally will think of the Bad Sides first. So Im gona stop it. STOP!

Yeah. I did stop it. But i didnt stop my heart. I know what I am feeling now but is just that I do not want to admit it.

hello, bitch.
yup, i'm calling u.

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